

Morgan Savidan & Sasha Carberry Sharma
picutres of faces looking out

'Can our ancestors look down on us? Would they even recognise me?'

Sam and Max are trying to navigate the world as mixed-race girls. But they're haunted by the very faces they call their own. They're angry, they're pissed and they're about to go on a 'trip.'

Maybe the Gods of the Ramayana can help them? Through ancestral deep dives, divine encounters, and with the help of the NCH Gamelan Orchestra live on stage, maybe they'll find their way home.


Please note: Contains loud noise, smoke machines and strobe lighting.

Developed at Scene + Heard. Supported by the PAN PAN Platform at Dublin Fringe Festival.

IMAGE: Morgan Savidan

17 September
18:45, €11
18 – 21 September
21:15, €15/€13 conc.
Other Performance
21 September
13:30, €15/€13 conc.
ISL Interpreted Performances
21 September
21:15, €15/€13 conc.


Smock Alley Theatre - The Patrick Sutton Studio, Gaeity School of Acting

