
ISL Deaf Translations Project

Lianne Quigley & ISL Team Interpreting
A woman is signing in ISL.

A Dublin Fringe Festival Commission.

This year’s Dublin Fringe Festival features the second iteration of an exciting commission, led by artist and Deaf interpreter Lianne Quigley. Aiming to bridge the gap between the stage and Deaf audiences, Lianne will lead a specialised team of Deaf and hearing interpreters, offering an enriched and more inclusive Dublin Fringe for all through interpreted performances of four productions.

A celebration of Irish Sign Language (ISL) and a vital step towards recognising the cultural heritage of the Irish Deaf Community, this project facilitates and promotes team-interpreting in the theatre context. It goes beyond the familiar model of a ‘hearing interpreter signing to a Deaf audience’ and brings Deaf culture, creativity, and representation to the fore.

This pioneering collaboration between Dublin Fringe Festival and Lianne Quigley marks an important step towards a more accessible and inclusive artistic landscape in Ireland.

Paddy Cahill

Janet Moran & Once Off Productions
13 September
19:00, €17/€15 conc.
Abbey Theatre - Peacock Stage

Illness as Metaphor 
Dead Centre
14 September
18:15, €19/€17 conc.
Project Arts Centre - Space Upstairs

Eva O’Connor & Hildegard Ryan
15 September
13:15, €16/€14 conc. 
Project Arts Centre - Cube

Morgan Savidan &
Sasha Carberry Sharma
21 September
21:15, €15/€13 conc.
The Patrick Sutton Studio, Gaiety School of Acting via Smock Alley Theatre