Comedy - Irish Language


Julie Jay
A woman in lots of boxes

A fully 'as ghaeilge' comedic journey into a millennial's battle to stay relevant.

But enough about J Lo!

Julie has officially been fixed by therapy TikTok and now accepts that there will always be people who hate her and that those people are entitled to be very, very wrong. Ham and cheese on a roll, bag of chips, orange drink (if you know, you know). Rejoice! Your former bullies are thriving!

Seó grinn trí mhéan na ghaeilge fé troid mná mhílaoise amháin agus í ag iarragh fanacht tábhactach.

Ach sin go léir fé J Lo!

Tar éis dul ar Teiripe Tik Tik tá Julie diesithe fé dheireadh thiar thall, réidh chun glacadh leis mbeidh daoine ann go deo nach dtitníonn sí leo, agus go bhfuil an cead iomlán acu a bheith mícheart ar fad. Liamhás agus cáis ar rolla, mála chips, deoch oráiste (má dtuigeann tú, tuigeann tú). Bain lúcháir as! Tá na doaine a dhein tromaíocht ort fé bhláth dar saoil!


The Lisa Richards Agency.

IMAGE: kateswiftphoto

18 September
18:00, €11
19 – 20 September
18:00, €14/€12 conc.
Other Performance
21 September
13:00,€14/€12 conc.


The International Bar

